Harga Paket Jasa Pembuatan Website

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Jasa Desain Website

Harga Jasa Pembuatan Website

Biaya desain website (landing page atau company profile) di Id-Webdev Sangat terjangkau untuk semua kalangan. Hubungi kami untuk detail informasi mengenai harga pembuatan web.

Landing Page
    • WordPress/HTML
    • Single Landing Page
    • Responsive Design
    • SEO Onpage Optimization
    • Custom Design
    • Premaid UI/UX Figma
Harga Mulai Rp844.000,-
Company Profile
    • WordPress
    • Multiple Page
    • Responsive Design
    • SEO Onpage Optimization
    • Custom Design
    • Premaid UI/UX Figma
    • Blog
    • Post Produk
Harga Mulai Rp1.740.000,-
    • WordPress
    • Multiple Page
    • Responsive Design
    • SEO Onpage Optimization
    • Custom Design
    • Premaid UI/UX Figma
    • Blog
    • Post Produk
    • SEO Content Marketing
Harga Mulai Rp2.440.000,-
Web App
    • Laravel + WordPress
    • Multiple Page
    • Responsive Design
    • SEO Onpage Optimization
    • Custom Design
    • Premaid UI/UX Figma
    • Blog
    • Post Produk
    • SEO Content Marketing
    • Web App
Harga Mulai Rp8.440.000,-

Fitur-fitur Website

Fitur-fitur website yang dapat Anda tampilkan pada website:



Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan bagian header.

  1. Topbar elemen
  2. Static header
  3. Sticky header
  4. Multiple header column
  5. Transparent header
  6. Animated header on scroll
  7. Custom logo upload
  8. Search bar in header
  9. Header with social media icons
  10. Header with contact info
  11. Multilingual header support
  12. Header with call-to-action button
  13. Dynamic header (berubah sesuai halaman)
  14. Full-width header
  15. Header shadow effect


Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan navigasi atau menu.

  1. Dropdown menu
  2. Mega menu
  3. Off-canvas menu
  4. Sticky navigation
  5. Fullscreen menu
  6. Hamburger menu (mobile-friendly)
  7. Multi-level menu
  8. Custom icons for menu items
  9. Scrollspy menu (aktif saat di-scroll)
  10. One-page navigation
  11. Search integrated menu
  12. Dynamic menu based on user role
  13. Social media links in menu
  14. Vertical sidebar menu
  15. Highlight active menu item

Hero Banner

Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan bagian hero banner.

  1. Full-screen hero section
  2. Video background
  3. Slideshow hero banner
  4. Parallax effect
  5. Call-to-action button
  6. Text overlay on image
  7. Dynamic content hero
  8. Split-screen hero banner
  9. Gradient background hero
  10. Interactive hero animation
  11. Hero with countdown timer
  12. Custom SVG or illustration
  13. Hero banner with carousel
  14. Transparent overlay
  15. Hero banner with form

Features Block

Elemen-elemen yang menampilkan fitur-fitur utama.

  1. Icon-based feature list
  2. Grid feature layout
  3. Horizontal feature block
  4. Feature with image and text
  5. Interactive feature hover effects

Card Block

Elemen-elemen berbentuk kartu untuk menampilkan konten.

  1. Image and text card
  2. Hover effect card
  3. Flip card animation
  4. Card with call-to-action
  5. Carousel card layout

Services Block

Elemen-elemen untuk menampilkan layanan yang ditawarkan.

  1. Service list with icons
  2. Detailed service description
  3. Service grid layout
  4. Service with pricing
  5. Service category filter

FAQ Block

Elemen-elemen yang menampilkan pertanyaan dan jawaban.

  1. Accordion FAQ
  2. FAQ with search functionality
  3. FAQ category-based filtering
  4. Simple list FAQ
  5. Expandable FAQ block

Testimonial Block

Elemen-elemen untuk menampilkan testimoni pengguna.

  1. Slider testimonial
  2. Grid testimonial layout
  3. Text-only testimonial
  4. Video testimonial
  5. Testimonial with ratings

Pricing Block

Elemen-elemen yang menampilkan informasi harga.

  1. Pricing table
  2. Feature comparison block
  3. Highlight featured pricing
  4. Pricing with toggle (monthly/annually)
  5. Dynamic pricing cards

Contact Block

Elemen-elemen yang menampilkan informasi kontak.

  1. Contact form
  2. Google Maps integration
  3. Contact info with icons
  4. Social media links
  5. Contact form with file upload


Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan bagian footer.

  1. Footer with multi-column layout
  2. Social media icons
  3. Copyright notice
  4. Quick links section
  5. Contact information
  6. Newsletter subscription form
  7. Back to top button
  8. Footer with custom widgets
  9. Dynamic footer (berubah sesuai halaman)
  10. Sticky footer
  11. Footer with logo
  12. Privacy policy and terms links
  13. Footer navigation menu
  14. Footer with recent blog posts
  15. Custom footer design (SVG or illustrations)

Call to Action (CTA)

Elemen-elemen untuk mendorong tindakan pengguna.

  1. Full-width CTA banner
  2. CTA with image background
  3. CTA with video background
  4. Button-focused CTA
  5. Form-integrated CTA
  6. CTA with countdown timer
  7. Two-button choice CTA
  8. CTA with benefits list
  9. Sticky CTA at the bottom of the page
  10. CTA carousel for multiple offers
  11. Popup modal CTA
  12. CTA with social proof
  13. Dynamic CTA (berubah sesuai konten)
  14. Interactive CTA hover effects
  15. Split-screen CTA design


Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan postingan, konten, atau artikel.

  1. Featured image
  2. Post title and subtitle
  3. Author bio section
  4. Publication date and last updated
  5. Category and tag labels
  6. Table of contents
  7. Social share buttons
  8. Related posts
  9. Comment section
  10. Breadcrumb navigation
  11. Estimated reading time
  12. Post pagination (next/previous)
  13. Highlight quotes or key points
  14. Embedded media (video, audio, images)
  15. Custom post meta (views, likes, etc.)


Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan produk.

  1. Product image gallery
  2. Product title
  3. Short product description
  4. Product pricing
  5. Product variations (size, color, etc.)
  6. Add to cart button
  7. Product SKU and stock status
  8. Customer reviews and ratings
  9. Product specifications table
  10. Wishlist button
  11. Share product on social media
  12. Discount badge or label
  13. Related products
  14. Product quick view
  15. Downloadable product files (for digital goods)

Contact Page

Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan halaman kontak.

  1. Contact form
  2. Google Maps integration
  3. Contact information with icons
  4. Social media links
  5. Office hours
  6. File upload option
  7. FAQ section

About Us Page

Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan halaman tentang kami.

  1. Company history and mission
  2. Team member profiles
  3. Vision and values section
  4. Client testimonials
  5. Key milestones timeline
  6. Call-to-action for services or contact
  7. Embedded promotional video

Blog Index Page

Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan halaman index blog.

  1. Featured blog post
  2. Blog post grid or list layout
  3. Pagination
  4. Category and tag filters
  5. Search bar
  6. Author and date meta info
  7. Excerpt for each post

Category Page

Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan halaman kategori.

  1. Category title and description
  2. List of posts in the category
  3. Featured category image
  4. Sorting and filtering options
  5. Pagination
  6. Category breadcrumb navigation
  7. Custom sidebar for category

Tag Page

Elemen-elemen yang terkait dengan halaman tag.

  1. Tag title and description
  2. List of posts with the tag
  3. Search bar
  4. Pagination
  5. Tag-specific featured image
  6. Author and date meta info
  7. Custom sidebar for tags